PAC Right To Life
Palo Alto County Right to Life (PAC RTL) is an organization in Palo Alto County, Iowa that exists to help protect the unborn and the elderly. It is our mission to protect all human life, born and unborn, at all stages of life from conception to natural death. We would like to encourage others to join us in this mission. If interested, please send an email to
Activities planned for PAC Right to Life:
We meet quarterly as an organization and all are welcome to join us to discuss events and how we can reach out to others on the Right to Life from conception to natural death.
Booth at the Palo Alto County Fair held in Emmetsburg Iowa from July 18-21, 2024. Hand out educational material and be available as a resource for anyone interested in our mission.
Thursday Noon-7pm, Friday 11am-8, Saturday 9am-8pm
Questions? Call or text Marla Berg at 507-269-2394
Booth at the Palo Alto County Fair held in Emmetsburg Iowa in 2022 and 2023.
Life Chain event is held first Sunday in October and have done 2022, 2023 and planning 2024.
1:00-2:00pm on Main Street in Emmetsburg Iowa and met in Soper park afterwards.
This event is a peaceful and prayerful public witness of pro-life individuals that stand for our nation and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community that abortion kills children and that the Church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death. If interested, come join us!St Patrick Day Parade in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Come join us to march in the parade!
Any questions or if interested in joining, please send an email to
Articles by our PAC RTL members:
The Fruit of the Womb are a Reward - Algona Newspaper Article (Feb 22, 2022 by Pastor John Koopman)
Thanks to all who marched in the St Patrick's Day parade in Emmetsburg Iowa on March 19, 2022. You are a life saver !
There are some wonderful Right to Life websites that have great information.
Some are listed here:
Pulse Life Advocates: has great information including:
Crisis Pregnancy Help ->
Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders in Iowa ->
Women's Reproductive Health Free book ->
Iowa Right to Life: Has information on pro-life Legislation activity in the state of Iowa, education information, and support and resources for those facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Pro-Life Flag Project ->
The Pro-Life Flag is highly symbolic of both unborn children and their mothers. Depicting two feet (representing the child), two hands (representing the mother), two stripes, and two main colors, it emphasizes the TWO lives present in a pregnancy and the love that the pro-life movement shows to both.
Free use of flag symbol, and also can order items like flags and bumper stickers from this page